John Williams Classic Cars out of England has been offering two separate courses to help you with the purchase of a classic car and one to help you set up your own business.
They are divided into three separate classes of one day each with a limited number of people being able to join. The first one is called
“HOW TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL CLASSIC CAR DEALER” and will be held on Friday, June 8th. It will be followed up by one called
“HOW TO BUY A CLASSIC CAR” which will be held on Saturday, June 9th. Class sizes are strictly limited.
“HOW TO BUY A CLASSIC CAR” tells you how to ask the right questions, how to spot a car worth pursuing, how to spot one not worth a plug nickel and how to negotiate. It cost 150 GBP and, hey, lunch is included.
“HOW TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL CLASSIC CAR DEALER” will show you the process from market research to closing sales, financing and insurance. You will learn how to do a business plan, find the right cars, market yourself and your business, where to raise capital, how to make that deal and a couple of secrets or so. Lunch is also included and the price for this jam-packed day is 265 GBP.
“A DAY AT THE AUCTION” is just that. A day at the auction will help give you the knowledge and confidence of auction buying and selling. Learn to help yourself from being taken for a ride. Sorry, this class is limited to three people. Price for this knowledge is 150 GBP.
The first two classes are held at Tilshead Garage, Tilshead, Wiltshire, United Kingdom. The auction site I believe will vary.
Check it out at:
Outside Uk; 0044 1380 813552
Mobile: 00447967 203007
Better hurry! That is only a couple of weeks away.