Scotsman David Coulthard has been in Formula One for 15 years and now it is time to retire at age 37. He has been with some great teams and partnered with some great drivers. For a while they called Mr. Lucky. There was a photo of him and his then girlfriend steping out of a crashed plane that killed the pilot, c0-pilot and stewardess. You can't get any luckier than that.

The last team he was on was for RED BULL and the sponser a charity called 'Wings for Life' which works with people that have spinal cord injuries. Very strange since on the other hand they sponser all the things that give you spinal cord injuries. They painted his last car for the last race for this charity.

Unfortunately for all concerned David was bumped from behind on the very first lap and put out of his last race. In that 15 years he gave us 247 Grand Prix' with 62 podium finishes. Thirteen of those were in First Place. He has accummulated 535 points which is now a record. So what is he planning to do now? BBC has given him an offer to be a motorsports broadcaster and he owns an automobile museum in his birthplace, Twynholm, Scotland.